California Listens is a project of Berkeley-based non-profit training and project development organization, StoryCenter in conjunction with the California State Library.
From 2016 to the present, StoryCenter traveled to 60 libraries collecting some 500 Digital Stories, and over 100 interviews and special projects. The work has been permanently archived by California Revealed, at As part of the project, StoryCenter invented the Listening Station Kit, a new tool for oral history capture, editing and management.
In 2017, we completed a documentary about the project, which can give you a great sense of our activities in the digital storytelling workshop model, and how libraries found use of the project for their community engagement and programming efforts.
This site serves as home for media being shared as part of the project, with examples of Digital Stories from 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 from every participating library, as well as Listening Station projects from 2017, special projects from 2019, the California Wildfire Story Project, and the call for the Women and Power project from 2018. You can also learn about our StoryFaires, and the Story Tool Kit.
For more information, contact Jonny Chang at jonny at storycenter dot org, or Joe Lambert, joe at storycenter dot org.